abbotts at home

Does Grout Renew Really Work?

Here's what happened When I tested it!

Does Grout Renew Work? If you've never heard of it, Grout Renew is an acrylic stain and sealer for grout. Here’s my full Grout Renew Review from years of using Grout Renew to paint my grout.

Why would you want to use Grout Renew?

After years of use, grout stains can build up. And, your grout can look a lot darker and dingier than it should. Eventually, those stains are set in and won’t scrub away.

i have tried just about everything for grout

The first time I tried Grout Renew was in a bathroom, 8 years ago. I spent 2 weeks trying every cleaning product & grout hack I could find. Nothing worked!! Then I tried Grout Renew. It was so easy & fast! Since then, I've used Grout Renew in 4 more rooms.

Grout Renew COMES In TONS Of Colors

Polyblend sells Grout Renew in around 40 different colors. So, it’s pretty easy to find a matching color for your grout.

You Can Also  Fix UNeven Grout Color

You can apply a matching Grout Renew color to turn your patchy grout into one solid color. And, it’ll only take a few hours.

Looks good as new

After whitening with Grout Renew, the lines are nice and clean which just makes the whole room feel cleaner, right? Click below to find out how to use Grout Renew.